How are you doing?
Having diabetes can be overwhelming. People with diabetes are more likely to experience symptoms of depression. Depression is twice as common in people with diabetes as in the general population. It can make it more difficult to manage your blood sugar and other health complications. If you are more tired than usual, have experienced changes in eating or sleeping patterns, are feeling down, hopeless, have less interest or pleasure in things you used to enjoy; please talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Depression can be treated with medication, counselling or both.
Learn more about Diabetes & Your Emotions, Anxiety and Depression.
Are you stressed?
Stress can affect your blood sugar. It is important to manage your stress in a positive manner. Some examples include walking, mindfulness and meditation. Click HERE to learn more about our programs.
How can I maintain good mental health & well-being?
- Be active and exercise regularly
- Schedule a fun activity to do every day
- Spend time with friends and family
Check out this interesting Diabetes Canada webinar: Managing Your Diabetes Mindset.
Where can I get help?
If you are feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, or blue for longer than usual, please see your doctor as soon as possible.
Your Diabetes Education Team is always here to help.
You can also refer to any of the following resources:
Resources to call:
- Your family doctor
- Your diabetes educator
- Kids help phone: 1-800-668-6868
- AMHS-KFLA 24 Hour Crisis Lines
- Kingston & Frontenac: 613-544-4229
- Lennox & Addington: 613-354-7388