Craving Change

led by Saman Shaikh, Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator

Craving Change is a program that is a “guide for changing your relationship with food”.

⇒  Craving Change can help you:

  • Understand why you eat the way you do
    Change your thinking. Change your eating.
  • Comfort yourself without food
  • Learn practical techniques to help you develop a
    healthier relationship with food.

⇒  What to Expect

Craving Change is a 4-week session with classes lasting two hours.

Over the session,  the following 4 topics will be covered:

  • Why it’s hard to change… the role of our environment, body and learned behaviours in our relationship with food.
  • What needs changing………help uncover our problematic eating triggers.
  • How to change…………………giving participants step by step instructions and strategies for change.
  • Keep the change………………providing tips for a healthier, lasting relationship with food.

For more information on Craving Change, please visit

⇒  How to Participate

Participation is open to all patients and community members.
There is no cost to participate.
Please call to register as space is limited:
*Call Laura Baldwin, Program Manager at 613-279-2100 ext. 115

Upcoming Sessions:

Stay tuned for upcoming 2020 sessions of Craving Change.
Once classes are full, names will be added to the wait list for the next session.
The Craving Change program runs 3-4 times per year.

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