Healthy Lifestyle programs are open to everyone!
Please click on the following headings for more information
⇒ Good Food Box
Sign up for monthly Good Food Boxes to receive high quality fruits and vegetables affordably.
⇒ Community Walking Group
Join your community members for a weekly walk along our beautiful K&P trail.
⇒ Deep in the Bones
Learn how to build strength and resilience as you age. Program includes weight-bearing aerobic activity, muscle strengthening using free weights, and movements that improve balance, posture, and core strength.
⇒ Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
MBSR is an approach to self-care that helps deal with stress, pain and illness. The MBSR course teaches people to focus awareness on body sensations, thoughts, and emotions in a nonjudgmental way.
⇒ Mindful Movement
A combination of gentle movement, breathing, awareness of body sensations and meditation to help participants become more mindful, learn how to take good care of themselves, develop their own internal resources, and integrate the benefits of mindfulness into their everyday life.
⇒ Mindfulness Drop-In
A weekly opportunity to practice mindfulness meditation in an online setting.